Monday, July 31, 2006

Sharks on a Building

I'm sure every commuter that has recently passed through Silver Spring on their way to/from Washington, D.C. has seen the massive tail sticking out over Georgia Ave. The tail is part of a larger shark that transforms the Discovery Channel headquarters into a gigantic Great White Shark commemorating the channel's annual Shark Week. The station's flagship week of programming began last night at 9pm and runs through Saturday, August 4th.

The shark tail is pretty cool, but nothing compared to the shark head on the opposite side of the building, facing east. My only guess for why they put the tail on the busier side of the street is to keep drivers from careening off the road. The sight is truly something else.

By far the best view of the whole building is from the Silver Spring Metro Station. This angle gives viewers the most complete shot of the shark.

Damn cool. Now, if only the Discovery Channel would get around to promoting a Bear Week...

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