Monday, July 10, 2006

Beat 'Em, Stomp 'Em, Scalp 'Em

. . . let the price soar.

Scalping is ridiculous. I really, really wanted to see the band Sleater-Kinney play at the 9:30 Club on August 1st. The band recently announced they were going on indefinite hiatus, which is industry lingo for breaking-the-fuck-up. This is really awful news considering their most recent cd, The Woods, was my favorite album of 2005. So, when I got wind that this show would be their 4th to last show ever I knew I had to be there.

I waited and waited and checked on the websites for both the venue and for tickets. Unfortunately, I was about one hour late and they were already sold out! Crap!

I've missed bands before, but only one other time have I missed a band that was about to break up. Back when Q and Not U was on their farewell tour I couldn't get to see them and that still really stings.

Determined to get tickets, I searched on Craig's List and E-bay and the prices are completely outrageous. They're ranging upwards of $100.

One asshole writes:

I have two extra tickets to see sleater kinney tickets at the 930 club. i'll sell yo uthe pair for 90 bucks plus shipping.....first offer gets the tickets; i will take the listing down when the tix are gone. DO NOT HIT REPLY TO CRAIGSLIST LINK TO EMAIL ME BACK; EMAIL ME DIRECTLY AT MUSICMENDS@MSN.COM WITH 'SLEATER KINNEY TICKETS' AS THE TITLE.

. . . at least he didn't mention that they were PIT TICKETS!!!

This is so f'ing frustrating. Do I go against my values and beliefs and pay an absurd sum of money to a lowly scalper? Do I stick to my guns and miss one of my favorite bands?

Either way, I'll fight on 'till I have won. Hail Washington.

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